Police are holding seven people in connection with the killing of the former CCM Mwanza chairman and Kisesa Ward Councillor, Mr Clement Mabina.

The arrest of suspects brought panic in Kisesa and Kanyama areas where the Mabina was killed on Sunday by an angry mob allegedly because of a land dispute.
Mwanza Regional Police Commander Valentino Mulowola, however, declined to name the suspects, pointing out that divulging their identities could disrupt ongoing investigations that sought to expose the actual killers and the motive behind their action.
Heightened police activity in the two areas resulted in fear as the law keepers have vowed to leave no stone unturned until they nail the killers.
At Kisesa, where the late Mabina lived, his neighbours and members of the family expressed their disappointment at the way the media, especially the social networks, reported his death.
Family spokesman Timothy Gregory said Mabina’s death was reported with a political slant, unfairly branding the deceased political leader as an oppressor and a land grabber.
‘‘His death has been turned into a political agenda meant to tarnish his image and that of the ruling party,’’ claimed a family member who did not wish to be named.
His family further claimed that those who killed Mabina were hired to block him from vying for a high political post in the 2015 General Election.
The family and some eyewitnesses at Kisesa and Kanyama shrugged off claims that the mob killed Mabina after he shot dead a 12-year-old child.
‘‘He didn’t kill him; rather, his gun went off on its own as an angry crowd chased him, baying for his blood; he never aimed a gun at anyone as claimed in some reports,’’  they said.
Mr Mulowola said Mabina was found with a shotgun and a pistol, but did not say whether the firearms had ammunition.
The family spokesman said it was too early give the date of the burial as the family was waiting for the police report on the killing and the arrival in Mwanza of key members of the family.

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Chapisha Maoni
