Renegade UPDF General David Sejusa aka Tinyefuza over the weekend launched an opposition political party in London and cautioned President Museveni that his 28-year reign could come to an end soon.
The former spy chief who launched his party on Saturday, named his party the ‘Freedom and Unity Front’. “He’s had enough time,” Gen Sejusa said on the sidelines of a meeting to launch his party. “He can leave and go, and we start a new process of national healing. And we are organising ourselves, we are establishing a constitutional rule which he destroyed,” Sejusa told Reuters at the launch.
When contacted, Defence and Military spokesperson Paddy Ankunda laughed off before saying that he does not want to waste time on such news. “He (Sejusa) very well knows that he is breaking the law since he has not officially retired from the army,” Lt Col Ankunda said yesterday. Adding: “That is justkajoogo (literally meaning familiarity).”
When Gen Sejusa was asked at the launch of his party if he would use force to bring change, he said: “It’s not so much that we want to do so. But if he (Museveni) continues to unleash terror on the population ours will be self-defence.”
The fall out
Early this year, the five-star general fled the country to the UK after he wrote a dossier to the internal security boss asking him to investigate assassination claims on top government and military officials opposed to the First Son Brig Muhoozi Kainerugaba being groomed to take over from his father.

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Chapisha Maoni
